Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Loose ends

Thank you all for a wonderful semester. I truly appreciate your participation and honesty in this course. 

If you are continuing on with me next semester for race and gender, the website is 

Best of luck!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Everyone has a story: Arn Chorn Pond

The clip in the link below describes Arn Chorn Pond, a survivor of the Cambodian Genocide, tell his story about acclimating to the United States as a high school student. 

This video appeared in Facing History and Ourselves' "Choosing to Participate" exhibit last year at the Boston Public Library. 

To see Arn's incredible story, please click here 

More info: Cambodia

If you are interesting in reading more survivor testimony from the Cambodian Genocide, there are numerous resources on the web including: 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mapping Initiatives: The Genocide in Darfur

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has partnered with GoogleEarth to map the ongoing genocide in Darfur. You can see an overview of the program here or download the satellite program.

You may also be interested in USHMM's geoblog, "the world is witness", which combines photographs with testimony and web entries. 

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Genocide in Darfur

Welcome Back! I hope you had a relaxing winter break. 

Over the course of the next week, we will be examining the ongoing genocide and crisis in Darfur. You will receive a copy of your HW for the week (Darfur Watch), which is due at the end of the week. 

To prep yourself for the assignment and class discussions, please investigate the links provided on this website

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Rwanda: Searching for Justice after Genocide

In preparation for class discussions about Rwanda's system of reconciliation and justice after the 1994 genocide, I would like you to spend some time exploring Facing History's Transitional Justice module.  Please read over articles/explore multimedia about justice in Rwanda. 

Please click here to link to the Rwanda overview page. From there, I'd like you to examine: 
  • Gacaca: Looking to the Past as a Guide
  • Rwanda Journal: Looking at Witnessing Gacaca
  • Gacaca: One attempt at Justice comes to an end. 
  • When the Killers Returned Home

Your assignment is to explore the site and to be ready to both write and talk about it on Monday. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

What role should foreign nations play in intervening in genocide?

Samantha Power, the author of  "A Problem From Hell" (we read pieces of her work during our Armenia unit), explains the shortcomings of American foreign policy in dealing with the Rwandan  Genocide in an article entitled "Bystanders to Genocide". This article originally appeared in The Atlantic Monthly in 2001. 

This is a lengthy article--but you have TWO nights to finish it. When you are done, please post your reflection in the comments section. I will be reading and grading your comments. 

Let me know if you have questions.