Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to school! I hope you all had wonderful experiences this summer and are rested and ready for the school year. We are embarking together on a journey, as we begin this "Holocaust and Other Genocides" course. It will be a difficult and overwhelming journey. But it will also be an exciting and mind-opening journey. 

My excitement for teaching this course stems from my devotion that we will uncover as the semester unfolds. I sincerely believe that the learning and growing you will do during this course is among the most important that you will experience as young adults. The objective of this course is broader, vaguer than many traditional courses. The goal of this course is to make us all more human, as we examine acts of humanity. 

As we deal with difficult and emotional issues, I ask that you approach this work seriously, thoughtfully, and above all, respectfully. We are all on this journey together. We must respect each other in order to develop a community in which we can all grow.