Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Bad Samaritan? The David Cash Case

Based on the clip that you saw in class today and the article posted here, tell me your views about this case. What should have governed Cash's actions? To what degree should he be held responsible? Are there universal obligations for those who witness a wrong? Different rules depending on the nature of the wrong?


Jeff G. said...
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Jeff G. said...

Although I believe that David Cash should be found guilty for not taking action against his friend, but morals cannnot be used to judge. I think that Cash deserves to have some degree of community service, but not the death sentence. I was surprised that his conscicence wasn't going crazy when he saw his friend stangle that girl!

Unknown said...

I think that David Cash's in guilty 100% because he could have provented the ruthless killing of a seven year old girl he did not know but the thing is that he deseves to serve some jail time,and do some community service but I don't neccessairly think that he deserve a life or death sentance. He is suffering enough with the guilt of not protecting someone when they were in need, especially when he saw a little girl he and his friend did not know being raped and then killed by his "best friend".

Kevin K said...

As horrible a person as David Cash is, I don't think the law can force someone to act in his situation. Like Jeff said, we can't punish people for their moral choices unless they directly harm others. But I think failing to a report the crime should get him jail time. His friend even turned to him and said, "I killed her," and Cash did nothing for three days. Helping cover his friend like that should be illegal, and Berkley should have kicked him out immediately.